Mission Statement
We strive to provide the most comprehensive and detailed defensive driving training program and techniques available for new drivers. Always enforcing, demonstrating and fostering a culture of safety that will create a safer highway system for all users. We teach beyond the basics and focus on teaching you how to drive and handle a vehicle, not just how to pass a DMV driving test. Focusing on New Hampshire state traffic law, driving techniques, skills, situational awareness and the 5 key components of Defensive Driving along with proper highway etiquette will be taught and implemented in every lesson. Parents will have peace of mind knowing their teenager has learned the skills and knowledge to maintain the highest level of safety for them and others when driving on their own.

Why Us?
Premier Driving Academy provides comprehensive driving instruction along with an in-depth classroom sessions. We utilize the preferred AAA curriculum which is the most modern and up to date teaching materials for drivers' education on the market.
The in-car lessons will focus on defensive driving. Driving defensively teaches students to make up for other highway users mistakes, aggressive driving habits and or general lack of knowledge or skills. we pride ourselves on training some of the safest drivers on the roads to provide a lifetime of safe worry-free driving.
As the owner and primary instructor of Premier Driving academy. My resume includes over 30 years of training commercial drivers that have accrued millions of safe driving miles, awards and recognition from corporations and states, including a 2-time State of New Hampshire truck driving champion. Along with several hundred hours of training teens including 5 of my own, will assure you that your teen is getting the best possible training available.
We are currently operating out of Franklin High School and can easily provide services for students from many surrounding communities including Franklin, Tilton, Northfield, Gilford, Laconia, Andover, Hill, Bristol, New Hampton, Alexandria, Danbury, and many more.
Acronym List:
All Good Kids Like Milk
This is a saying to remember the 5 keys of defensive driving. Unlike offensive driving which is aggressive and dangerous, defensive driving make you safe and the other users of the Highway Transportation System safe as well.
A: Aim high in steering. You should be looking and making decisions 12-15 seconds ahead of your path of travel. Look for situations that are hazards now and could become emergencies by the time you get to them.
G: Get the big picture. You are taking in all of your surroundings, scanning ahead, checking your mirrors every 5-8 seconds.
K: Keep your eyes moving. never get into a fixed stare or focused on one thing for too long.
L: Leave yourself an out. Don’t ever put yourself in a situation where you can’t get out of trouble or avoid a bad situation. Scan the area while driving and be thinking where you would put the car if you needed to avoid a crash in front of you, or to the sides of you. Where would you be moving to avoid trouble. (Ex Break down lane, open lane, end of driveways in a rural or city environment.)
M: Make sure they see you. More and more today we see drivers on cell phones, texting, playing with screens in dashboards. If you notice another motorist attention on something else, a quick polite toot on the horn, if at a stop light or redlight make sure their eyes come up before you go. Make eye contact so they know where you are traveling and you know where they are traveling.
This is done every time you get in the vehicle before you move it.
S: Seat adjust it to your comfort level
M: Mirrors. Adjust the to you
I: Ignition, Turn the car on
L: lights. Lights on for safety, know if your vehicle has daytime running lights.
L: Locks. Lock the doors in case of an accident, lessens the chance of being thrown from a vehicle in a crash. Safety as well depending on the area you are in.
E: Emergency brake. Un-apply or turn off otherwise you will not be moving.
Applies to lane changes, and merging
S: Signal. Signal on so other drivers know your intentions of changing lane
M: Mirror. Check your mirrors to look for obstructions.
O: Over the shoulder. Check your blind spot by turning your head. Make sure your shoulders do not turn this is otherwise known as a head check.
G: Once your path of travel (P.O.T) is verified open and safe to change position, GO!
Path of Travel: Current path you are traveling.
Line of Sight: Your direct line of vision and how far you can see clearly.
Applies to highway driving in times of heavy traffic or congested situations.
Same as the SMOG above, only check your mirrors first before signaling intentions. If all your zones are blocked there is no sense in signaling. Wait 8-10 seconds and check it again. If it appears safe to signal, signal your intentions and go through the remainder of the process.